Power Place Tours
An International Conference on the Mystical Isle of Crete


Healing the Wounded Healer
Speaker-Lynne Boutross




“I have had readings before of many natures, but I have never had a reading like this one. It was as if she could see into my soul and knew exactly what I needed to become whole.  I can’t recommend Lynne highly enough. It was easy, fun and pretty amazing.”

Karen J – PA

“My husband and I had grown apart over the years. When we talked to each other, it was snappy, abrupt and unfriendly. After 2 phone appointments with Lynne, we felt closer than we have ever felt. We highly recommend her services.”

Jane & Paul G - CT

“The appointment I had with Lynne B. changed my life. I was all about the struggle and I didn’t even know it. I learned so much in my appointment with about where my struggle came from and what I needed to do to let go of it. I put the information she gave me into practice right away and what a difference! My relationships are so much easier and enjoyable. She read my family perfectly, letting me know how to create a win-win relationship for all of us.”

Rachael K – MA

“I can’t imagine where I would be today without Lynne’s guidance. Like a lot of people, I’d been through a series of relationships with men that all seemed to end the same way. I was determined not to repeat the pattern, but with each new relationship the feelings of being “in love” convinced me that this was “the one.” After several of these relationships, I knew I couldn’t solve this problem alone. I committed myself to working with Lynne.   In our first appointment she explained my relationship pattern, where it started and how to change it. Through this work I discovered why I was attracted to relationships that ultimately left me unhappy. The clarity and truth of Lynne’s amazing insight has helped me to create a deep sense of happiness and satisfaction with life. I know now that to have a deeply satisfying relationship with someone else, I first have to have one with myself. I can’t say enough about how Lynne’s guidance has helped me become the person I am today.”

Hillary K - CA

“Our morale was low and absenteeism was high. We booked Lynne as our keynote speaker at our corporate retreat. Wow! Her stress-elimination technique was extremely effective. I had no idea how stress can create so many blocks to success.”

Jim T – CO

“I have been going to 12-step meetings and been in recovery groups for years. It was always so hard for me to stop drinking. A friend recommended I talk with Lynne. I couldn’t believe how quickly my urge to drink went away. Sobriety was no longer the issue it has been for so many years. I now understand that the 12-step program kept me sober, and my work with Lynne gets me the life I’ve always wanted.”

Joan C – NY

“For years I had anxiety that disrupted my life. I tried medication, (self and prescriptions) meditation, yoga, counseling, rehab, acupuncture, saw psychics – just about everything. When I called Lynne, I was a mess. She spoke to a place inside of me that I did not even know was there. She spoke so gently, and kindly and with a compassion that I had never experienced. It was as if she spoke right to my anxiety and calmed it down. I still can’t believe my anxiety is gone and that was 6 months ago. I can’t say enough about how dialed into me she was. Being able to talk with her on the phone was amazing. Don’t hesitate if you want an end to what ails you.”

Joe K - HI

“I went to one of Lynne’s workshops called Winning at Losing in the hope that I would find some solution to my extra weight. What I found was this was way more than I could have ever hoped for. I don’t know that I have ever been in touch with myself like I was this weekend. I was able to get answers to why I was overeating and so much more. I feel like I have found myself again. My self esteem is back on track. Great weekend!”

Rhonda D – AT

“One of the things I like most about Lynne is that she does not put you in a box. You can talk about anything. She is right there with you, actually she is ahead of you seeing the source of what you are talking about. I don’t know that I have ever had anyone understand me like that. She is so dialed in and funny. It is extremely comforting to feel that somebody deeply understands you, and is really there as a partner in creating what I want in my life.”

Sherry J - AL

“Before working with Lynne, I was searching but not knowing my purpose or how to create healthy relationships or lasting happiness in my life. I tried everything. I read spiritual, self-help literature and books, saw alternative healers, got bodywork, practiced yoga and t’ai chi. You name it, I did it. Nothing really changed. Lynne truly “saw” me – my challenges and my gifts, both of which were nearly impossible for me to see by myself. She offered unfailing insight, support and radical compassion, to help me navigate the most difficult situations in my day to day life as well as helping me tear down obstacles that were blocking the spiritual growth my heart had been longing for. It’s like one stop shopping. Lynne offers support for issues ranging from anything you could possibly imagine or be experiencing, weaving effortlessly between them. There have been so many surprises and unexpected gifts in working with her – all I can say is if you have questions, if you have doubts, if your heart is nudging you, do not hesitate, just book an appointment with her and prepare to feel lighter, clearer, and more joyous!”

Nicole S - CA

“You blew me away with how easy you made it for me to tap into my intuition and find the answers I have been looking for. Answers and inner peace in one weekend! Who could ask for more? What an amazing workshop! Watching you guide the group was spellbinding. My life has not been the same. Thank you so much Lynne.”

Sarah G - NC

“Lynne has given me comfort and inspiration in being a better person. Her insightfulness helps our personal journeys making them spiritually and emotionally easier. She is an Angel sent to us.”

Nancy V – FL

“Lynne Boutross has been instrumental in my spiritual evolution, emotional healing and development to become a wiser human being. Without Lynne’s influence in my life, I feel I wouldn’t have made the lasting changes in my life to become the individual I have longed and dreamed to become. I am eternally grateful for her presence in my life!”

Deanne D - CA

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